In 2017, social media has become as widespread as ever, young and old, everyone is using it. Because of the popularity of social media, it has changed the way people think and socialize with others, it now enables users to share, comment and connect with others at just the click of few buttons. Social media sites are not only effective for personal users, but for business users too.

Social media gives business users the opportunity to promote/market their products to their target audiences and gain popularity like never before, Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms that people use to promote their products and photos worldwide.

Platforms like Instagram offers business users the privilege to advertise products and services, therefore increasing the sales and reach to their target audience. Having a high number of Instagram followers is beneficial in order to draw attention to a social media profile, many people and business are looking for a quick alternative to building up a profile over a long period of time, therefore buying Instagram followers seems a superior alternative in comparison to generating organic followers.

Buying Instagram followers also give immediate results, this is beneficial to a brand who is just starting out as it will give the illusion of popularity, therefore leading to attention from other users, alternatively larger brands who have built up a high amount of engagement may buy followers in order to add to the aesthetics of the page and to simply increase the numbers.